Some days the Dog wants in on the action

We don’t go to town very often around here. There’s church and groceries and karate class. The occasional trip to take my dad to his doctor’s appointments. We do meet up with friends at parks for hikes. All this before the pandemic. (Anyone else ready to be done with 2020?) Well, apparently, our puppy has…

New Additions to the Homestead

It is that time of year. We go to the local Ranch and Feed store and we are greeted by the tiny peeps of newly hatched chicks. “I need a new rooster”, I tell myself. (Now does anyone really *need* a rooster?) Anyway, we have new additions on our homestead. 7 sweet birds: 4 pullets…

Barn Cats: Love Them, Hate Them, Need Them

Do you see what I see? I see a small impression in the hay, where a little barn cat found warmth for the night. (Only animal around here that is about that size.) And then there is this: The baby goats wanted their share of the camera, too. Anyway, I digress, but they are so…

First Kidding on the Homestead

I’m not kidding! Our goats kidded!!! We welcome 3 new baby goats the end of 2018! First kidding season done! I have read all the jokes from other farmers and homesteaders. Livestock select the coldest time to kid – they were not kidding! (Yea, sorry about all the puns!!) We had family visiting for the…

Footprints in the sand..

It’s gets windy out on the farm. I am not talking about cool evening breezes, or the gentle rustle of the wind through the trees. It’s the small trees bend over to the ground type of wind – typically classified as gale force winds (but I am in a bit of denial so we will…

What is it that you love?

I was out doing the usual perimeter walk with my LGD and was thinking how much I loved spending that time with her. Her goats follow along on our walks. I have a tendency to pause and take a deep breath of the fresh country air and allow my heart fill with gratitude for this…

Young Chicken Eggs

My chickens are now 6 months old. They started laying eggs about 1 month ago. The eggs started out small in size and are now getting to be the size of a large egg. The egg shells are hard, which is good. That tells me the chickens are getting a good amount of calcium in…

Wow! What an adventure!

Several years ago, my husband and I decided we would like to homestead. These last few months brought about several changes in our lives: between moving my dad in with us and trying to find a house that would be able to accommodate his needs (i.e., no stairs). Our current house has been an amazing…

Spring-time in Colorado

All the birds are chirping. The grass is green and lush. The trees are blossoming. You begin to see the reappearance of migratory animals and hibernating animals. You begin to think about what to grow in your garden. Out of the blue the temperature tanks 40 degrees and snow returns blanketing everything in it’s gorgeous…