We have gone over the basic tools that Quilters use and even how to start quilting. Eventually, you will get to a point in your quilting journey where you would like to branch out and create your own designs. My most favorite resource for my Quilt Designs (other than pencils and graph paper) is a…
Author: Nelum
New Raised Garden Beds
When you live out on the prairie in Colorado, you have to be able to plant like you are in the desert. The goal is to increase the moisture retention in the soil. We have a lot of sand out here – a LOT of sand. Sand not only is nutrient poor but also is…
Pick One Thing.
Seriously, pick one thing. Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to be healthier? How about feeling better? Pick. One. Thing. Break that one goal down into steps and focus on those individual steps — and if those steps are too big then break it down even farther. If you want to lose…
2022 Kids are Here!
The 2022 kidding season has come to a close on our small, little homestead and we are happy to announce the birth of 5 new babies! Baby goats are so much fun to watch run around and to hear their cute little baa-ing. So, without much ado – meet our sweet little babies born recently…
How to Begin Living a Healthier Life
Being healthy isn’t all sunshine and roses for some of us. It’s not a walk in the park – especially, if you are dealing with decades worth of bad habits. However, it is possible for all of us! We only need to decide that we want that healthier life. Make the decision that this is…
My Journey to a Healthier Lifestyle
The Struggle that Changed My Life 12 years ago I got sick and was faced with making a drastic change to my lifestyle. I didn’t look sick and I could semi-function with pain medications; but any amount of activity caused me stabbing pain in my chest. Seriously. Hot-Poker-Through-The-Chest-type of pain. It was so bad that…
Happy New Year!
We said good bye to 2021 and pray that 2022 is a whole lot less crazy. Colorado ended 2021 with a bang – not a good one as many lost their homes in the Marshall fire. We were blessed with a much needed snowfall that helped get the fire under control. We watched the fire…
How to Bind a Quilt
Following up to my previous post on Around the World Potholder (Pattern #1), this is how to bind that quilt. Binding is essentially finished your artwork – framing it to make it a completed picture. There are many, many ways to finish a quilt. Some are very artsy and others are just quick and efficient….
Around the World Potholder (Pattern #1)
Pattern to make your very own Around the World Potholder. Written for beginner quilters as a quide to learn how to quilt.
Moving the “Rocking” Shed so that it Rocks No More
We get a lot of wind here in Colorado. No gentle breezes. Winds strong enough to pull whole shelters out of the ground. See the picture below. Praise God that the mama goat and her babies were uninjured and I managed to get them into the barn out of the sideways rain. Wind erosion here…