I’m not kidding! Our goats kidded!!! We welcome 3 new baby goats the end of 2018! First kidding season done!

I have read all the jokes from other farmers and homesteaders. Livestock select the coldest time to kid – they were not kidding! (Yea, sorry about all the puns!!)
We had family visiting for the weekend and we were all hoping that my goats would deliver about that time. They waited until our guests left and the weather tanked down to the single digits. I was freaking out. Yes, giving birth is a part of nature but these babies were coming out wet with below freezing temperatures. Grabbed towels and a the burn barrel. The barrel in hopes to create a fire closer to where they were kidding and the towels to dry the babies off – fast.
Everything went smoothly. Despite my worry. (Thankfully!) We introduced 3 new babies that one week.

Oh, the cute, fluffies! Look at that face – you can’t help but fall in love with that face! (Our dog in the background doesn’t quite know what to think about our little house guests.)
I did not need to use much in our kidding kit – just the dip for the umbilical chord and the floss to tie off the chord. I was prepared for anything – the selenium, gloves, scissors, bandages, towels, wee wee pads (more absorbent than towels) – everything was in that kidding kit!
We brought them into the house to help keep them warm until we got a place set up in the garage where we could get some heat going for them – and for me because I was there to make sure my girl was doing good.
First kidding season done successfully!
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