There are many way to create a design wall. Today, I will share with you my personal favorite.
What you will need:
- Foam Insulation Board
- Batting, or neutral solid flannel or fleece
- Glue or tape
- Command strips
Go to Lowe’s or Home Depot or any of those construction type DIY stores and buy insulation foam board. Buy enough to cover the wall space you want to use for your design wall. Go cheap. You are not using it for insulation — that’s what your fabric stash is for.
Next buy cheap cotton batting – low loft – enough to over the foam boards. (Fuzzy fabric will work too – like flannel or fleece, but the color should be solid/neutral.)
Cover the foam boards with the batting and wrap it around to the back of the foam board. Use tape or glue to stick it to the back of the foam board. If you used glue, then wait until dry.
Then, use the command strips and stick the red side to the back of the insulation board. Line the covered foam insulation board where you want it to be on the wall and stick. (Essentially, follow the directions for the command strips – the only difference will be that the red side sticks to the foam insulation board.) Hold there for the recommended amount of time.
Viola! Design Wall!!
The nifty thing about using the foam insulation board is that you can stick pins in it. Sometimes we work on big quilts and they need a little help staying put on a design wall.
I love mine and so does my son. Just saying.

Happy Quilting!
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